sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2009

Getting to this point… (from 9/15/09)

Some background on the application process…

I submitted my application August 24, 2008, and shortly after, had an interview with the Peace Corps recruiter while I was “conveniently” in Seattle. Thereafter, I started the lengthy stepwise process to more supplemental application materials, extensive medical and dental clearances, a nomination for a health position in the pan-American region, more interviews, the final assignment, and departure date of September 9, 2009. Each step has surrounding stories to how they became, such as being counseled by an Ethiopian woman at lunch at the NIH (National Institutes of Health) when accepting the nomination in September. And… gracefully showing late to a Peace Corps meeting in D.C. in April with a visiting friend, when my name was surprisingly called to receive my final assignment. I have had guardian angels guiding me along the way when deciding to commit to Peace Corps service. By receiving the preliminary acceptances throughout the year, such as the nomination, it never was guaranteed: throughout the process, the acceptance to the Corps, the region, position, departure date, etc., could always change or never happen. The waiting, throwing myself into the nebulous, and trusting the feeling side of me instead of the rational side, was very testing. But, the instinctual feeling that it would work out in the end is finally happening. I have felt a draw to explore the Latin American region since elementary school, when awestruck by tropical rainforests, and a draw to the people since preschool, when befriending a Latina in southern California – we formed an unspeakable connection, especially since we didn’t speak the same language:) I feel engrained with this need and desire to explore and fulfill a pervading sense to serve. I’m hoping for Africa next… then India, the Dominican Republic, Tibet, Nepal… and perhaps the southwestern United States during grad/med school and the southeast for administering demonstration projects in health. I continuously feel restless to see more, experience more, and meet more people - I don’t feel like I quite belong anywhere for a lengthy period of time. Peru feels right for now.

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